『サイシュ〜ワ』の解説 - ぬQのHP


MixingEngineer:上甲ひとみ Orchestra Recording Coordinator:柳浦遊

第23回文化庁メディア芸術祭 アニメーション部門
審査委員会推薦作品 選出




Futako isn’t quite like other girls. Made from the recycled scraps of last year’s fireworks, she is counting down the days until August 31st, when her body is fated to burst at the next annual fireworks display.
However, over an intervening year packed with memories, Futako has forgotten how to soar into the night sky and shine.
Will a peculiar ritual allow Futako to reconnect with her instincts in time to fulfill her destiny?
This innovative animated short tells the story of a forced reincarnation, probing a life’s arc from improbable conception to preordained culmination in three explosive, brilliant seconds.



Few themes have been subjected to such perennial dissection as the topic of life itself. Typically, such variations on the theme consist of staccato storylines which reduce one’s lifetime to a series of salient checkpoints, shuffling through infancy → childhood → adulthood → marriage → childbirth → old age → bittersweet death. However, this reductivist approach belies the infinitely complex gradient of possibilities and choices that truly populate a life. What is to be said of someone’s distaste of broccoli, dreams of becoming a star, or wheelchair use? Glistening points in the nebulous constellation of life, such possibilities cannot be ranked according to any value system, but rather, are to simply be encountered in their own right. In this sense, the present animation is the rare work that encompasses the entire spectrum of life’s latent potentialities, ranging from both the possible to the impossible. Material and immaterial align at random as characters cleave their way through these myriad possibilities, sprinting hell-bent toward death in a faithful expression of life’s radiant brilliance.



Barebones minimalism and brevity are enlisted to conceptually represent the “world’s shortest life.” The color palette is not a true grayscale, but rather in duotone (using only black and white). In the opening sequence, darkness and life coalesce—conspicuously absent is the agitated floundering frequently seen from characters in nuQ’s other animations. In this work, life unhesitatingly strides straight ahead.

翻訳:Daniel González


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